PRESS RELEASE – Ealing Town Hall

Starts…/ EXCITING plans are being drawn up for a bid to save one of Ealing’s flagship buildings from being sold off. Ealing Council has proposed leasing the grade II listed building to a private company to convert into a hotel. But campaigners against the plans have temporarily blocked them by registering the structure as a community asset and are busy coming up with a new proposal for it. Ealing Council…

18th August 2016

Registering Assets of Community Value

The Localism Act 2011 allows communities to apply for registration of their important buildings and public spaces. This then allows the local community a six month period to put together a bid to purchase and run the asset if the current owner wishes to sell. Ealing Voice (Community Asset Registrations) is a group of local people who have come together to ensure that our precious places are protected. Please contact…

27th July 2016